Benzer Automotive
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Member Entrance

Rules and procedures used on on-line commerce are explained below. After your subscription request is processed and accepted by Benzeroto, you will get a user id and password to be able to use following e-commerce facilities. Please read them carefully, and please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.

Preparing Inquiry Lists

You will have access to the data in our database, including part descriptions and prices. You may search in the database with several search options and capabilities. When you wish to submit an inquiry to us, you need to prepare an  inquiry list. You may work on several inquiry lists at the same time. Please use the related links to create a new inquiry list or to make one of them active (the one that you currently work on). You can always change the number of items in any list, delete any item from the list or add new items to the list.

Submitting Inquiry Lists

When you think that your list is ready to be submitted to us, simply press Submit Inquiry button at the bottom of the Active Inquriy List page.

After then on, you can view your submitted lists but can not make any changes in the list. Benzeroto will process the list, check the availability and price of the items, and will return you as soon as possible.

Price Changes

The latest price change date will be displayed on the main page, and the prices of the parts in your inquriy lists are subject to change unless you submit your inquiry list. Once you submit any of your inquiry lists, the item prices will be fixed only for that inquiry list.

Price Calculation

Individuals or companies working with Benzeroto might have a general discount rate. This rate will be shown on the Active Inquiry List page. All your inquiries will be calculated based on this discount rate.

Some items in our inventory might have discount prices. These items will have a value in the 'discount price' column. If you order more than the stated minimum order value for discount, you will be charged based on this dicount price. But in this case, you will not get any additional discount for your/your company's discount rate (individuals or companies which have more than %15 discount rate will get an additional %5 discount).

Database Clean-up

Inquiry lists (which you still work on and did not submit to Benzeroto, or the ones that you submitted) are all stored in our database. Benzeroto keeps right to delete out-dated inquiry lists from the database in order to provide you better and faster service.